One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BS in Physics Degree

Why Study Physics at Cedarville?

If you have a love for both mathematics and the sciences, 锡达维尔大学独特的基督教物理学学士学位可能很适合你. 物理学是一门研究物理宇宙的学科,目的是在概念上理解它并建立模型 它在数学上.

As part of your physics major, you will study the foundational principles of classical mechanics, 热物理, electromagnetic theory, and quantum mechanics. 一个为期一年的实验室序列发展你的能力执行,文件和设计物理 significant experiments. 选修课程可以让你对天体物理学有更多的了解, 声学, and computational physics. 贯穿整个课程的是思考造物主作品意义的机会. 你将面临挑战,将这种理解沙巴体育于日常生活和为他人服务.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?


Physics Program Highlights

圣经 因为物理学是一门研究支配宇宙的物理定律的学科, 不断地讨论维持这些法则的造物主是很自然的. 1:15-18). As course content intersects with issues of origins, 道德, 和世界观, 你将参与富有成效的讨论和作业,这将帮助你思考他们对耶稣基督信仰的含义.

广泛的 — Because physics is the foundation to all of the sciences, 您将发展分析技能,并获得对其他科学领域所重视的物理原理的扎实理解. You will investigate a wide 课堂主题的范围,包括理论力学的基础, electromagnetic theory, and quantum mechanics as well as such diverse topics as 声学, 天体物理学, and computational physics.

专家教师 -您将向教授学习,他们将分享他们在天文学方面的专业知识, atmospheric science, 原子物理学, 气候模型, computational physics, 和宇宙学.

Excellent Lab Facilities -您将可以使用计算机数据采集系统和仪器进行一系列经典实验和开放式调查. The department has an atomic 力显微镜用于测量纳米尺度的表面,并通过俄亥俄超级计算机中心访问计算资源.

What Can You Do With a Physics Degree?

物理学专业的毕业生有一个理解物理世界的理论框架, 这使他们能够扩展到许多不同的科学和技术领域. Having an analytic approach to problem-solving and a developed facility with mathematical and computational tools, 拥有物理学学士学位的毕业生可以在航空航天、保险、研究和医院等行业从事职业.

A major in physics can prepare you for a career as a:

  • 数据分析师
  • Research Scientist
  • 科学教育家


  • Cambridge University
  • Drexel University
  • Cornell University
  • Princeton University

沙巴体育学习物理专业的学生选择了许多不同的职业路线. About one-third go to graduate school to receive either an MS or PhD degree; one-third choose to teach middle or high school to train the next generation of scientists; the last third choose careers in either the military or private companies.


We’re proud of our successful graduates! 98.科学与数学学院的应届毕业生中有1%在毕业后六个月内就业或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

Collaborative Experiences -大力鼓励雪松维尔大学各科学项目之间的合作. 因此,你可以选择双修物理和数学,以及其他学科.

顶石项目 — You will complete a capstone research course before graduation. This involves attending seminars in not only physics, 但是数学, 化学, and biology as well. Your research can range from an independent 研究物理学领域的最新发展,或与物理学教员共同研究一个项目的扩展.

实验室技能 -您将采取三个学期的序列专门设计,以帮助您发展实验室和写作技能. 你将培养进行实验、获取相关数据和展示的技能 你的发现.

Research Opportunities -您将能够在教师的指导下参与本科研究项目. 现有教员的专业知识为研究气候模型提供了机会, 通过机器学习进行观测天文学、计算物理学和大数据分析.

实习 -你将有机会获得全国多家研究机构的暑期实习机会. You can apply for the following internship opportunities:

Physics Colloquium — Engage in opportunities to connect with physics professionals, learn about novel research being conducted, and form ties with research institutions. With eight colloquia each academic year, 物理研讨会为你提供了充分的机会把你的知识提升到一个新的水平. Discover the Physics Colloquium

Program Curriculum

Building on your general education and Bible minor courses, you will take core courses in physics as well as 化学, 计算机科学, electrical engineering, 和数学. You should also choose math and 化学 courses as electives.

This major offers an accelerated bachelor's-to-master's pathway for students interested in pursuing their MBA.


  • Advanced Physics Lab
  • Quantum Mechanics

Program Format and 相关的项目

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年
Two men working at a microscope.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement


Photo of Steven Gollmer

Steven Gollmer, PhD

Dean, Senior Professor Physics




Director, Physics Program, Associate Professor of Physics


Photo of Mohan Pereira

Mohan Pereira, PhD

Assistant Professor of Physics

